A new nose boosts your self-confidence and improves your quality of life. Choosing what type of procedure can feel overwhelming, but our guide is here to help. If you've been contemplating a rhinoplasty in Orlando, FL, this guide is for you!
There are two types of rhinoplasty. Closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty are two of the procedures plastic surgeons perform. Each has its own set of benefits. A plastic surgeon helps you decide which procedure is right for you.
In this nose job guide, we'll go over the difference between the two procedures. We'll also point you to the best Orlando plastic surgeon's office. If you're ready to take your confidence to a new level, keep reading!
Open rhinoplasty is a procedure done on the outside of the nasal cavity. This involves making incisions to the soft tissue on the underside of the nose between the nostrils.
This type of rhinoplasty is performed to adjust cosmetic appearances. It can also help patients who suffer from functional issues of the nose.
One of the biggest advantages of open rhinoplasty is the degree of precision and visibility it gives the plastic surgeon. They are able to see each adjustment without the interference closed rhinoplasty can present.
Open rhinoplasty better preserves the nose cartilage tissue. This allows the surgeon to manipulate the new design of the nose more precisely. There is minimal scarring, and once healed, it is almost imperceptible.
Closed rhinoplasty is a nose job done on the nose's internal structure. Closed rhinoplasty is often chosen because of the invisible scars. Since the work takes place inside the nasal passage, scarring is hidden.
Like open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty is primarily scheduled for cosmetic purposes. However, it can help patients with issues such as difficulty breathing and birth abnormalities. Rhinoplasty is sometimes the answer if someone incurs a broken nose.
Closed rhinoplasty is best done by a surgeon skilled in the practice since visibility is not as clear as with open rhinoplasty. The Plastic Surgery Central Florida team specializes in enhancing a patient's look without changing their distinct features.
Both surgeries are very similar. The procedures last anywhere from one to three hours. Patients will receive a nose splint to help keep the new shape of their nose and ensure proper healing.
Swelling and some bruising may occur. The general recovery time for most patients is one week up to ten days.
A patient can expect some swelling for many months. It takes up to one year for the entirety of the swelling to go down. A patient will see an immediate difference in the months following their procedure. However, the final result is seen at the one-year mark.
Dr. Robert Arabitg at Plastic Surgery Central Florida is an Orlando native. He brings outstanding skill and compassion to each surgery. He founded Plastic Surgery Central Florida to help patients achieve their cosmetic procedure goals.
He treats patients with compassion from consultation to surgery day. Dr. Arabitg only recommends procedures he believes are appropriate.
If you are looking for the best rhinoplasty in Orlando, FL reach out and schedule a consultation today!